Monday, October 28, 2013

Teacher conference sign up made easy!

Last post for tonight! I wanted to share another way that is have used Padlet. I created a Padlet wall for parents to sign up for different conference times. I have a crazy busy schedule so I post conference times every couple of weeks that I have available. Parents can then add their name to the time that is best for them. I moved the names for the picture below(let's hope I put them back where they were, lol). Now once every other week I post some times that I have available and parents claim their spots. Did I mention I love Padlet? -Sayward

Edmodo ROCKS!

For my teacher peeps who do not use Edmodo- you are missing out! is a free secure site (you have to enter codes to join groups, you can lock groups, send private messages, etc) that is ideal for a classroom. I have all of my families as a part of my classroom group. I post homework,  class news, and even pictures of our learning experiences (again it's secure) think of it as a safe secure version of Facebook. Pretty cool! As always, if you have any questions for me please ask them! :) Sayward

I am a tech junkie!

Can I just say how much I LOVE TECHNOLOGY! I am blessed to work in a school system that has embraced the digital era with a 1:1 digital initiative. This means that every one of my first graders has an iPad. I know this might sound scary but it is amazing how much these 6-year-olds can do with an iPad. My latest obsession is Padlet(formerly wallwisher). I have been using Padlet in my class for about a year but while collaborating with my co-worker Rebecca (her awesome blog is today I had an epiphany! There have been several websites that I wanted my firsties to visit but as your can imagine, typing lots of web addresses is not that much fun for them. I had previously asked for a QR code reader app to be added to our student iPads( we have to get approval for new apps). I want this so that I can create QR codes that are embedded with web addresses. This way they could scan the code and go anywhere I want them to with out the frustration of typing LOTS OF LETTERS AND NUMBERS. I am still waiting on approval but I am not really a "wait and see" kind of girl. Here is where Padlet comes in... I have saved a secure class Padlet wall to each students' iPad. Today I added the URLs to the class Padlet wall. Now, they can easily go to any place on the web that I want them to with the ease of just clicking! I know this sounds simple but I like simple!  I have added a picture below. BTW- did I mention that Padlet is totally free?                             -Sayward.  

My New life as a blogger...

Hello all! My name is Sayward Lowery and I AM NOT A BLOGGER! I feel like I need to start with that because it will soon be very clear to you all that I am not a professional blogger. I am am a first grade teacher. I absolutely LOVE my job! I am starting this blog because my amazing co-teacher thinks that someone, somewhere out there might get some inspiration from some of the things I do in my classroom. Her name is Rebecca Wrenn and you can find her fantastic blog at . I am very unorganized and scattered but I love what I do and I pass that love for learning onto my fantastic first graders. I look forward to learning with you!